Monday, August 9, 2010

it's been a while

The port-a-potty at the White Buffalo Organic farm in Paonia, Co.
Hopefully my lasting mark there, where everyone shits.

And these above pictures are at the Final Friday art walk they have in downtown Paonia. Sold a shirt and The rooster painting. One of the most fun art shows I've done. People just brought their instruments and played a lot of folk/bluegrass. Free wine and beer and food. Kids running around everywhere. Just good energy all together. This was my last hoo-rah before i left the farm. I had a really good time there. A LOT of hard work. 10 hours a day 6 days a week and even sometimes on sunday. So much knowledge though. So many great people. The people and food were the best part of this farm. Will never forget it and don't doubt going back there to help out again. I am now in Arcata, Ca. Camping on the beach and trying to find a job and a farm. I think of San Antonio and hope everyone there is working hard to keep the magic happening. I love you all and who ever you are who may be reading this. Get out and make things better. Stop complaining.

Monday, May 3, 2010

working on a new steez

This is a painting I did with watered down acrylics in my sketch book.
Did this this past week. It's of the traveler my girlfriend and I picked up in Roswell, NM. He was a really rad old man. 57 years old I believe. He was trying to get back to California, but said he was going to come back and move to Austin. He was an old hippie. A real one. A person who just needs a thumb. I'm glad I was able to meet this man and then paint him. If you see someone on the side of the road, and you really feel like you should, or could give him a ride, do it! Don't be scurrred.
And everyone welcome Isis to this world!
I did this painting last night with the same watered down acrylic deal. She's totally shot out into this universe at a really good time. And here's my ode to her life.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm back in San Antonio. Damn does it feel good to be home. The above picture is from the piece I got to do at the Bixel House in L.A. So if you are in L.A. and at a show here, make Brian show you his room. And the below picture is a piece I did at McWorld on 5011 Adams in L.A. The dudes running this place are really rad. Shout outs to Chubby Wings and Al who got me the gig and for playing rad tunes while I was painting.

L.A. was really fun though. Not the Government dudes are really hospitable. Showed me the cheap good found around the block. Got reminded of the infamous Ghetto Bird. Over all a good experience. I'm sure I'll be back there soon enough.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

McWorld show

this show was fun. I can't recall what part of town the venue is located but it was cool. Good art on the walls. painted the piece below live with some rad bands playing in the back.
check the flyer in the last post to check em out. Thanks again to Wilton for putting the show together. better chill out. the ghetto bird is looking for somebody on the block.

Monday, April 12, 2010

If you are in L.A. wednesday..

Go to this.
I will actually be painting live inside.
Should be pretty rad. We'll see how it goes.
Thanks to Wilton James of Not The Government for setting me up with this gig.
Very last minute.

I'm in Grand Junction, Colorado right now. Place is very rad. A town of around 60,000 or so. But is what some might call "open minded" about a lot of things it seems. Staying with my girlfriends' friend Stephen, who makes some really bomb beer, a Belgium Whit beer, with grapefruit and blood orange peels. Real smooth. . Holla

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Good Hospitality

Denver has been really rad. So far just a lot of medical and really good veggie food. I don't know if it's being higher in altitude or what but I like it here a lot. A lot of art.
Definitely could be a place to live.

But yah none of it this would be possible if it wasn't for good people. Like my friend H.Koehler.
She's a rad artist. Originally from San Anto but is going to art school out here in Denver.

check her page out...

and here's some of the great food she took us to eat at. This was at Water Course. Fucking ridiculously good. Everything Green in San Antonio wants to be but never will. Seriously. Not too expensive for the quality. Go to City O' City as well. Vegan pizza... holla